The Power of Intuition
Hello Everyone,
I hope you’re doing well and feeling lucky!
This week I wanted to introduce you to the power of intuition, it’s effects on success and luck and how to develop it. Intuition is also the headline topic in my latest show featured below.
What is Intuitition and What is its Power?
In intuition research there are different paradigms and theoretical models which have their roots in very different traditions. The majority of researchers agree that intuition predominantly operates implicitly, without cognitive control and awareness. Scientifically, intuition can be defined as “the ability to implicitly learn and detect cognitive patterns, and to subconsciously combine information in complex ways to make correct judgments based on fragmentary cues.”
Intuition is based on various cognitive processes and mechanisms. In an article published in the Psychology Research and Behaviour Management, scientists from the University of British Columbia propose that intuition, insight and creativity are related. So you can develop your insight and creativity to improve thought processing and enhanced learning patterns, and the result would be more enhanced intuitive functions.
The paper further explains that, “insight is the capacity to gain accurate and a deep understanding of a problem and it is often associated with movement beyond existing paradigms. Examples include Darwin, Einstein and Freud's theories of natural selection, relativity, or the unconscious; respectively. Many cultures name these concepts and acknowledge their value, and insight is recognized as particularly characteristic of eminent achievements in the arts, sciences and politics. Considerable data suggests that these two concepts are more related than distinct, and that a more distributed intuitive network may feed into a predominately right hemispheric insight-based functional neuronal architecture. The preparation and incubation stages of insight may rely on the incorporation of domain-specific automatized expertise schema associated with intuition.”
Understanding the Brain to Develop Intuition
The reptilian level of the brain, also known as the basal ganglia started to develop in fish about 500 million years ago, and continued its development in amphibians, and reached its final stage in reptiles about 250 million years ago, many millions of years before our ancestors emerged.
The work I did whilst filming with a dragon lizard gave me ideas for a revolutionary technique that I could use with my clients. We have had some incredible successes since then. I call it the reptile relaxation reflex.
Perhaps also not surprisingly the reptilian brain is where our most primitive instincts live. Many of them are directly concerned with our survival and how we respond to threats. It is the home of aggression, of how we protect our territory, and the ritual displays that we use to get our own way. These behaviours go back at least 500 million years.
If we wish to increase our intuitive abilities, this part of our brain is going to be very important indeed. It may come as a shock to know that most of the thinking that you are aware of is not actually being created in the most recently developed and intelligent part of your brain. Yet you totally believe that it is.
Knowing where your thoughts are coming from is a huge advantage that is often not fully recognised. This knowledge will help you to understand why you are sometimes on tilt and help you to find a better place in your brain to move to when necessary.
Although people enjoy the illusion of free thought most of these thoughts they value so highly are only hallucinations. We have forgotten how to trust our most important gift, our gut instinct, also known as intuition.
The best way I know to liberate intuition in my clients is through hypnosis, and it is a lot faster than spending years in meditation.
We are surrounded by examples of hypnosis, and everybody can be a hypnotist, and anybody can be hypnotised. One of the best examples is the natural way that a mother soothes her troubled child. Light hypnosis can be achieved within seconds, and deep hypnosis within a few minutes. Therapeutic interventions aimed at the conscious mind will be by definition of limited benefit. This is why will power, hard work, and motivation are not enough on their own. The unconscious mind is far more powerful and this is where transformational change can be rapid and life lasting.
With the NLP and hynotherapy sessions, we work on developing a psychoic state of mind that greatly enhances your powers of intuition.
The psychoic state of mind is the sweet spot of peak performance that makes people lucky, and lives somewhere deep in our reptile brain, somewhere between the psychotic and psychic states of mind. You can learn more about this in my book, The Psychoic Revolution.
If you’d like to learn how Champions attract more luck into their lives, feel free to book a free introductory call with me. We will learn how to connect more closely to our unconscious mind where good things happen. There are quite a few tried, tested, and trusted methods to do this. If you’re a professional poker player or someone who has much at stake based on the decisions you take, get on paid consultation and I will tell you how to be a champion and bring you the results, often beyond your wildest dreams.
I hope you find these articles and my work to be beneficial in your journey. Please share this to join me in raising the vibration of the planet and contributing to the global momentum for positive change. My unique blend of ancient and modern mindset strategies, provide a comprehensive toolkit for achieving goals.
With gratitude,
“The Power of Intuition” on Transformational Talk Radio
Poker Genius Episode 2 - Have Fun
In this episode I have fun and lay my cards on the table. Find out more about me and the Poker Players I have helped win majors. There are some good tips for you too, even if you don't play poker. The secrets of the Poker Champions. It's not all about study and playing thousands of hands. It's also about using the enormous power of the unconscious mind in the heat of battle. It's about keeping a calm head when everyone around you is losing theirs, as well as losing their money. It's like having an extra ace in your hand.
The Psychoic Revolution
The Psychoic Revolution links ancient and modern biological and philosophical concepts to peak performance. Such concepts include our reptile brain, the development of speech, self-limiting beliefs, the role of the pineal gland and the third eye.